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Counselling - Autism/Asperger Syndrome

I am a counsellor specialising in Autism/Asperger Syndrome. My name is Natasha Delgarno,  I have worked with autistic and neurodiverse adults and youth since 2007 and have been counselling in private practice since 2016.  I work primarily with adults and couples.  

  • Autistic adults
  • Relationships where one or both partners have autistic traits

My practice is informed by the modalities of Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy and the Bader Pearson Developmental Model. My approach is one of acceptance and respect for individuality, difference and diversity, interest in people's areas of strength and ability, and collaboratively exploring ideas and solutions.  I do not view Autism as a set of deficits, but rather a unique wiring that comes with strengths and challenges.

An awareness of social justice comes into my practice along with recognising the ways that social and cultural norms can impact on people in their lives. Each person's individual cognitive style is taken into account and I check in regularly to ensure that counselling is helpful.  I am a full member of the NZ Association of Counsellors, I adhere to the NZAC Code of Ethics and attend regular supervision. 

Online sessions are sometimes possible depending on availability.  


Natasha Delgarno MNZAC

Birkenhead, North Shore, Auckland

Telephone 021-393-846

Email: or use contact form


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